Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Halo 3.

Whoo boy, so today is the launch of the largest property in entertainment, or something like that. Me, I'm in the not caring crowd. Now, that is mostly due to the fact I don't even own one of them fancy Xbox 360's. It's also due to the fact that I can't quite manage a hard on just for a multiplayer console shooter that is going to be mostly populated by total douchebags. Halo is a good game and I imagine Halo 3 is pretty awesome. So, why complain at all? Well Halo has been the focus of a media blitz the likes of which a single game has never seen. From cough syrup flavored beverages to exceedingly large dioramas that are travelling the country, the push for Halo 3 has had it all. So, that has pushed me from apathy to active distaste for the Frat boy event of the year. Halo is a brilliant franchise and is certainly home to brilliant designers. However, as a pseudo Microsoft employee, I know they've let their heads swell a bit too much. Anywho, I'm not going to be playing it.

I am playing Team Fortress 2 however, because it is so fun. Valve can't seem to do anything wrong. The pricing of the Orange Box has made some people mad, well rather the contents, but as someone who didn't have any of the parts of Half-Life 2, paying $49 for 5 games is so nice, I wish I could buy it again. You should do the same. Steam is the wave of the future, or so we can all hope. I'll be back with more on the subject of games later. For now, I have to work.

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